Welcome to the homepage of the WARGAME-research project. Please consult the sidebar menu for more information. Internal UiT-site can be accessed here.
Hammar, Emil. 2020. Producing & Playing Hegemonic Pasts: Historical Digital Games as Memory-Making Media. Tromsø: UiT - The Arctic University of Norway.
Project anthology:
Hammond, Phil & Holger Pötzsch (eds.). 2019. War Game: Memory, Militarism, and the Subject of Play. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
Special issue:
WAR/GAME at journal Game Studies eds. Holger Pötzsch & Phil Hammond (open access).
Please access the contributions here.
For additional publications, please check the profile pages of relevant researchers.
WARGAME doctoral consortium at CEEGS 2019 (Jagiellonian University, Krakow)
arranged by
Hans-Joachim Backe (ITU), Holger Pötzsch (UiT) and Hanna Wirman (ITU).
March 12-13, 2018, UiT Tromsø
WARGAME: Player Perspectives
WARGAME Workshop at CEEGS 2018 (Charles University Prague)
A workshop will be held during the Central and Eastern European Game Studies conference at Charles University in Prague. The workshop is part of the AHRC project Memory, Militarism, and the Subject of Play (2018-18).
WAR/GAME: Implications of Digital Games for Society and Individuals - Investigating Form, Effects, and Appropriations of First-Person Shooter War Games
UiT Cross-Faculty cooperation funding proposal submitted for evaluation (round 2). Lead: HSL (Pötzsch), Partners: NT-fak, Helsefak & Kunstfak.
Results can be expected in October 2018. Rejected.
WAR/GAME: Assessing Relations between War, Games, and Cultural Memory
RCN FRIPRO funding proposal submitted for evaluation.
Results can be expected in December 2018. Rejected.
2-years grant awarded to WAR/GAME: Memory, Militarism, and the Subject of Play
Funding body: Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK.
Project leader: Phil Hammond (LSBU)
Partners: LSBU & UiT Tromsø
Duration: 2017-18
More info under WAR/GAME subprojects.
September 14-15, 2017, London South Bank University
"WAR/GAME: Memory, Militarism & the Subject of Play"
June 1-3, 2016, Charles University Prague
"WAR/GAME: Extending Perspectives", International symposium on war and computer games
Site created and updated by Holger Pötzsch and Christian Beyer, UiT Tromsø.